In a state of complete relaxation, it becomes counter-intuitive for people to use drugs, excess food, or use other self-harming behaviors.
What is Yin Yoga?
Yin Yoga builds tolerance for allowing ourselves to embrace discomfort, a wonderful skill for a recovering food addict.
The Need for Mindful Living
Mindful living truly is the key to a balanced lifestyle, helping you solve daily challenges with food, exercise, stress, and decision making.
Living One Day at a Time
Living one day at a time keeps us in the present moment and puts the past and future into perspective, instead of us ruminating about either one
Resolution Disillusion? Try This Instead
Happy New Year! Or is it? By mid-January, we know that many people are feeling discouraged about the things they resolved to do or be this year. Negative self-talk is problematic enough without adding disappointment to the mix. So how can you pick yourself up? Here are three tools...
Intentions over Resolutions
This is a guest post by Kristen Riordan (Schneider), grad intern, White Picket Fence Counseling Center. Did you make a New Year’s resolution? If not this year, in years prior? How’s it going? How’d it go in years past? More often than not, I find resolutions are born of:...
Foundational Self-Care for the Holidays
The holidays are here, and there’s no denying they will be unlike any other year as we continue walking through the pandemic. So much is “new” again. We have the additional pressure of deciding how or if to gather, and coping with the changes and losses we have all...
The Trouble With Feeling Guilty
I sometimes say that guilt is a useless emotion and that I don’t believe in it. Guilt means that I don’t trust myself and my decisions. This thinking is detrimental to my personal growth. I believe we should trust that what we have done in the past needed to...
Having a Zen Holiday
Three things that may push your buttons this holiday season, and how to cope.
Mindful Living for Work-Life “Balance” Integration
We carry so much of our lives with us wherever we go, right on our smartphones. Our personal lives seep into our work time, and work invades our personal time.